Pharmacognosy MCQs for DPEE ExamPharmacognosy DPEE MCQs / By fdspharmacy Pharmacognosy MCQs for DPEE Exam /102 Pharmacognosy MCQs for DPEEquiz helps us to increase our knowledge 1 / 102Ma Huang is the synonym of____ Ephedra Cinnamon Nutmeg Fennel 2 / 102______is also known as anti-xerophthalmic factor. Vasaka Amla Shark liver oil Vinca 3 / 102Potato belongs to family______. Oleaceae Bovidae Gramineae Solanaceae 4 / 102Ginger is obtained from_____. Guaiacum officinale Linn Cannabis sativa Linn Pinus polustris Miller Zingiber officinale Roscoe 5 / 102Which of the following plant has anomocytic stomata? Spearmint Vasaka Datura Digitalis 6 / 102Indian Melissa oil is the synonym of_______. Orange oil Peppermint oil Lemon oil Lemon grass oil 7 / 102_____is used as an anticancer agent. Rutin Artemisinin Forskolin Taxol 8 / 102Cannabis, belonging to family Moraceae, contains __________________ in their glandular hair. Resins Alkaloids Tannins Glycosides 9 / 102____gel is effectively used in stomach and mouth ulcers. Aloe Castor oil Cardamom Nutmeg 10 / 102Goat's thorn is the synonym of____. Tragacanth Lanolin Beeswax Olive oil 11 / 102Chemically, ergot alkaloids are indole alkaloids that are peptide derivatives of_____ Nitric acid Ergosterol Lysergic acid Amino acids 12 / 102Lemon oil belongs to family. Rutaceae Gramineae Santalaceae Labiatae 13 / 102______ is a hybrid species Mentha aquatica. Peppermint Lemon Sandal wood Orange 14 / 102Ispaghula belongs to _____________ Family. Polygonaceae Plantaginaceae Euphorbiaceae Liliaceae 15 / 102Lemon grass oil belongs to_______ family. Rutaceae Gramineae Santalaceae Labiatae 16 / 102Myrrh belongs to________ family. Styracaceae Burseraceae Meliaceae Zingiberaceae 17 / 102Chemical test of flavonoid glycosides is____ Fluorescence test Baljet test Ammonia test Legal test 18 / 102Beeswax belongs to_____ family. Solanaceae Oleaceae Leguminosae Apidae 19 / 102Yeast belongs to family. Poaceae Labiatae Rutaceae Saccharomycetaceae 20 / 102______________ is employed for separating terpenoids from Essential Oils. Physical method Expression method Chemical method Chromatographic method 21 / 102Gymnema sylyrstro belongs to_____ family. Asclepiadaceae Burseraceae Zygophyllaceae Leguminosae 22 / 102European Pharmacopoeia arranges the drugs in alphabetical order of their_____. Common names English names Latin names Scientific name 23 / 102Maize, rice, and wheat belong to_____ family. Gramineae Solanaceae Oleaceae Bovidae 24 / 102_____develop from the ovules present in the carpels of flowers. Fruits Bark Seeds Underground structures 25 / 102Chemical test for coumarin glycoside is____ Fluorescence test Haemolysis test Salkowaski test Foam test 26 / 102Vinca belongs to______ family. Solanaceae Flacourtriaceae Apocynaceae Leguminosae 27 / 102____helps in maintaining normal cholesterol levels, as it possesses antioxidant properties. Ergot Arjuna Yeast Diastase 28 / 102In cinchona, bark of the tree has_____ alkaloids. Strychine Quinine Piperidine Coniine 29 / 102Irradiated yeast has been used as a source of_____. Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin B Vitamin C 30 / 102________ is a branch of bioscience dealing with medicinal and related products of crude or primary type and obtained from plants, animals, and mineral origin. Biochemistry Phytotherapy Pharmacology Pharmacognosy 31 / 102Vincristine and vinblastine are isolated from Carica papaya Strychnos nux vomica Cinchona officinalis Catharanthus roseus 32 / 102_____________ is used as a thickening, suspending, and an emulsifying agent for oils and waxes. Lanolin Beeswax Tragacanth Olive oil 33 / 102Senna and castor oil are examples of______. Laxatives Purgative Emetics Bitters 34 / 102Ispaghula belongs to___ family. Polygonaceae Plantaginaceae Euphorbiaceae Liliaceae 35 / 102Seeds are characterised by a scar left by the funicle, called_____ Micropyle Hilum Raphe Calyx 36 / 102Chandan oil belongs to_____ family. Santalaceae Labiatae Rutaceae Gramineae 37 / 102Cannabis acts as a_____. Purgative Sedative Laxative Anthelmintic 38 / 102Terpentine obtained from pine trees yields_____ on isolation. Terpenes Terpenoids Carotenoids Tetraterpenoids 39 / 102Decorpa and jaguar are synonyms of______. Olive oil Liquorice Guar gum Acacia 40 / 102___is used for treating coronary artery heart failure, oedema, angina, and disease, hypercholesterolemia. Arjuna Ergot Amla Yeast 41 / 102_________ is used as an antihypertensive drug. Taxol Forskolin Artemisinin Rutin 42 / 102Madhunashini is the synonym of_____ Vinca Ergot Guggal Gymnema sylvestro 43 / 102Indian Melissa oil is the synonym of_______. Orange oil Peppermint oil Lemon oil Lemon grass oil 44 / 102In alphabetical classification system, the arrangement of crude drugs is done____ by their Latin and English names. Morphology Numerically Chemically Alphabetically 45 / 102Which of the following drugs contain both hydrolysable and condensed tannins? Myrobalans Hamamelis leaves Eucalpytus Pomegranate bark 46 / 102_____is used as a stomachic, aromatic, carminative, stimulant, and flavouring agent. Nutmeg Ginger Nuxvomica Cardamom 47 / 102Garlic belongs to family. Linaceae Dioscoreacea Liliaceae Leguminosae 48 / 102_______ is the dried whole plant of Catharanthus roseus. Cardamom Ashwagandha Colchicum Vinca 49 / 102Tulsi belongs to____ family. Burseraceae Labiatae Acanthaceae Leguminosae 50 / 102Ipecacuanha is an example of _____________ Purgative Bitters Laxatives Emetics 51 / 102_____ is used as a stimulant and an antiseptic. Senna Rhubarb Arjuna Myrrh 52 / 102Ergot belongs to_____ family. Carcharhinidae Clavicipitaceae Euphorbiaceae Caricaceae 53 / 102_____________ is defined as intentional type of adulteration. Spoilage Admixture Sophistication Inferiority 54 / 102Worries, insomnia, cramps, and constipation are the result of too much _______ Vata Kapha Pitta Rasa 55 / 102_____wrote the oldest herbal document. Charaka Paracelsus Shennong Sushruta 56 / 102_____is addition of any substandard drug. Inferiority Admixture Spoilage Substitution 57 / 102Henbane is the synonym of_____. Ephedra Belladonna Hyoscyamus Aconite 58 / 102Groundnut oil and peanut oil are synonyms of______ Olive oil Almond oil Nutmeg oil Arachis oil 59 / 102_____________ is used as a thickening, suspending, and an emulsifying agent for oils and waxes. Lanolin Beeswax Tragacanth Olive oil 60 / 102Which of the following is the chief constituent of Hyoscyamus? Hyoscyamine Atropine Hyoscine Pyridine 61 / 102______________was the first one to perform cataract surgery in the 1st millennium B.C. Brahma Sushruta Dhanvantari Vagbhata 62 / 102Vaccines, sera, toxoids, and antitoxins are_____. Immunising agents Astringents Anticancer Antispasmodics 63 / 102Ginger belongs to______ family. Zingiberaceae Leguminosae Combretaceae Scrophulariaceae 64 / 102Which of the following is not an example of unorganised drugs? Gums Fibers Juice Extracts 65 / 102____________ is a stomachic, stimulant, laxative, and diuretic. Nux-vomica Gokhru Curcuma Gymnema 66 / 102______ occurs as a result of microbial attack. Substitution Spoilage Inferiority Admixture 67 / 102_____ provides viscosity to agar solutions. Alginic acid Uronic acid Agaropectin Mannuronic acid 68 / 102In which of the following parts of plants tannins are absent? Leaves Fruits Roots Stems 69 / 102Stomata are absent in ________________ Fruits Roots Flowers Stems 70 / 102In colchicum corm (Colchicum autumnale Linn.), alkaloids are obtained from seeds as well as____ Fruits Leaves Corm Bark 71 / 102Tannins are present in surface wax or of the plants___. Cell membrane Vacuoles Cytoplasm Nucleus 72 / 102_____branch studies the traditional use of plants for medicinal use. Herbal interactions Phytotherapy Medical Ethnobotany Phytochemistry 73 / 102______is an ingredient in sunburn ointments. Vinca Ergot Amla Shark liver oil 74 / 102Ipecacuanha is an example of_____. Purgative Bitters Laxatives Emetics 75 / 102____ is used for providing relief from asthma anc hay fever. Vinca Ephedrine Ergot Cinchona 76 / 102Guar gum belongs to family. Bovidae Leguminoseae Chlorophceae Xanthophceae 77 / 102Aconite, colchicum, and guggul are_______. Astringents Anticancer Anti-rheumatics Antispasmodics 78 / 102___________ is an ingredient in sunburn ointments. Vinca Ergot Amla Shark liver oil 79 / 102_____is a plant having anisocytic stomata. Coca Datura Vasaka Peppermin 80 / 102Pterocarpus belongs to ___________ Family. Burseraceae Leguminosae Apocynaceae Zygophyllaceae 81 / 102Arachis oil belongs to _____ family. Solanaceae Oleaceae Leguminosae Bovidae 82 / 102Lemon grass oil is obtained from the leaves and aerial parts of_____. Citrus aurantium Citrus limonis Cymbopogon flexuosus Cymbopogon citratus 83 / 102___________________is a chemotherapeutic agent. Atropine Quinine Strychnine Vincristine 84 / 102Carotenoids are group of compounds formed by the____. Carotenoids Terpene Terpenoids Tetraterpenoids 85 / 102_____enhances bioavailability. Piperine Rutin Taxol Artemisinin 86 / 102Which of the following is used in plasters and polishes? Beeswax Acacia Linseed Lanolin 87 / 102Sarpagandha is the synonym of_____. Acacia Kaolin Fennel Rauwolfia 88 / 102_____fruits develop from more than one carpels or apocarpous gynoecium. Compound Aggregate Simple Indehiscent 89 / 102________________ gel is effectively used in stomach and mouth Ulcers. Aloe Castor oil Cardamom Nutmeg 90 / 102Tulsi is the dried leaves of______ Commiphora wightii Ocimum sanctum Catharanthus roseus Myroxylon Balsamum 91 / 102______________ of coriander contain rich content of vitamin A. Leaves Stem Roots Seeds 92 / 102Ipecacuanha belongs to_____ family. Meliaceae Burseraceae Styracaceae Rubiaceae 93 / 102Which of the following is the medicinally important part of cinchona tree? Root Leaves Bark Stem 94 / 102______drugs are obtained directly from the plant parts, and contain cellular tissues. Organised Unorganised Crude Synthetic 95 / 102Tragacanth belongs to___ family. Solanaceae Bovidae Oleaceae Leguminseae 96 / 102The juice of____ leaves possesses analgesic property. Ergot Vinca Punarnava Nux-vomica 97 / 102Aloe is used as a_____ effects on the delicate because of its intensely irritating mucosal lining. Purgative Carminative Astringents Antitussives 98 / 102_______is a chemotherapeutic agent. Atropine Quinine Strychnine Vincristine 99 / 102Which of the following is not an example of organised drugs? Rhizomes Barks Gums Leaves 100 / 102Crow-fig, Semen strychni, and Vomit nut are synonyms of_____. Punarnava Gokhru Nux-vomica Vinca 101 / 102______fruits develop from numerous flowers combined together. Simple Aggregate Indehiscent Compound 102 / 102Senna is the dried leaflets of_____. Plantago amplexicaulis Cassia marilandica Aloe africana Cassia angustifolia Your score is 0% Restart quiz Join NowYouTubeTelegramInstagram