D.Pharma 1st Year Notes

Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T) Chapter 7 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Social Pharmacy Chapter 7 : Pharemacoeconomics Topics PharmacoeconomicsObjectives, Related Termiologies,Health Insurance,Health Maintenance Organisation (HMOs),Health Spending,Out of Pockets, etc. Other Chapters Notes PDF CH – 1 Introduction to social Pharmacy Open CH – 2 Preventive Healthcare Open CH – 3 Nutrition and Health Open CH – […]

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Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T) Chapter 4 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Social Pharmacy Chapter 4 : Introduction to Microbiology and Common Microorganisms Topics Microbiology and Communicable DiseasesIntroduction to Microbiology,Introduction to Common Microorganism,Epidemiology,Respiratory Infections,Chickenpox, Measles, rubella, mumps, Influenza,(including Avian-Flu, H1N1, SARS, MERS, COVID-19),Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Meningococcal Meningitis,Acute Respiratory Infection, Tuberculosis, Ebola,Intestinal Infections,Poliomyelitis, Viral Hepatitis, Cholera, Acute Diarrheal

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Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T) Chapter 3 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Social Pharmacy Chapter 3 : Nutrition and Health Topics Nutrition and Health Basic of Nutrition,Balanced Diet,Fortification of Foods,Introduction to Food Safety,Adulteration of Foods,Artificial ripening of Fruits,Pesticides,Genetically Modified Foods,Dietary or Food Supplements,Nutraceuticals, etc. Other Chapters Notes PDF CH – 1 Introduction to social Pharmacy Open CH –

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Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T) Chapter 2 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Social Pharmacy Chapter 2 : Preventive Healthcare Topics Demography, Demography cycleFamily Planning,Contraceptive method, Behavioural method, Natural method,Chemical method, Mechanical method, Hormonal contraceptives method,Terminal method, Post conceptional method,Mother and child health,Maternal and child health programmes,Breast Feeding,Composition of Breast Milk, Importance of Breastfeeding,Advantages, Disadvantages,IMMUNITY,Non-specific/innate/neutral immunity,Specific/acquired/adaptive immunity,IMMUNISATION,Immunological Products,Vaccines,

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Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T) Chapter 1 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Social Pharmacy Chapter 1 : Introduction to Social Pharmacy Topics Introduction to social pharmacy,Defination, Concept of Health,Dimension of Health, Detreminants of health,Health Indicators,National health policy,1983,2002,2017,Millennium Development Goals,Sustainable Development goals,FIP( International pharmaceuticalFederation development goals),etc Other Chapters Notes PDF CH – 1 Introduction to social Pharmacy Open

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HAP (ER20-14T) Chapter 15 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 1st Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Human Anatomy & PhysiologyChapter 15 Reproductive System  Topics Reproductive SystemAnatomy and Physiology of Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive system,Reproduction,Fertilisation, Cleavage of the Zygote, Blastocyst Formulation,Implantation, Pregnancy, Parturition/Childbirth, etc. Other Chapters Notes PDF CH – 1 Human Anatomy & Physiology Open CH – 2 Cell Open CH

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