D.Pharmacy Notes

Pharmacology (ER20-21T) Chapter 1 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 2nd Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Pharmacology Chapter 1 : General Pharmacology Topics General PharmacologyIntroduction and scope of PharmacologyVarious routes of drug administrationadvantages and disadvantagesDrug absorptiondefinition, types, factors affecting drug absorptionBioavailabilitythe factors affecting bioavailabilityDrug distribution definition, factors affecting drug distributionBiotransformation of drugs Definition, types of biotransformation reactions, factors influencing drug metabolismsExcretion […]

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Pharmacy Law & Ethics (ER20-26T) Chapter 14 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 2nd Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Pharmacy Law & EthicsChapter 14 : New Drug Development Topics Introduction to BCS system of classification, Basic conceptsof Clinical Trials, ANDA, NDA, New Drug development,New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. Brand v/sGeneric, Trade name concept, Introduction to Patent Lawand Intellectual Property Rights, Emergency UseAuthorization

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Pharmacy Law & Ethics (ER20-26T) Chapter 13 PDF Notes New Syllabus

D.Pharma 2nd Year As Per New Syllabus [ ER20 ] Pharmacy Law & EthicsChapter 13 : Good Regulatory Practices Topics Good Regulatory practices (documentation, licenses,renewals, e-governance) in Community Pharmacy, Hospitalpharmacy, Pharma Manufacturing, Wholesale business,inspections, import, export of drugs and medical devices Other Subjects PDF Notes Join Now

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